Thank you to everyone who participated and helped to make this happen. 14 boats participated with 1st place going to Jimmy Martin and Michael Murr catching a Bass weighing in at 21.48lbs, second place went to Kirk Meissner and Mark Boyett with a Bass weighing in at 19.57lbs, while third place went to Ken Polinski and Thomas Roberts with their 10.8lbs Bass. The Big Bass award goes to Jimmy Martin with a 6.39lbs bass.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the tournament!
A big thank you to all the tournament sponsors!
Friday Night Dinner provided by Patrick Etie with Turbine Engine Specialists (TES)
Saturday Night dinner provided by Chad Tew with StandardAero
Tournament Hats provided by Chris Todtenhausen with RBR Aviation
Tournament Trophies provided by Tony Raines with Jet East
Tournament shirts provided by Kirk Meissner with AOne Parts and Logistics
Beverage Service provided by John Stewart with Southwest Airframe and Tank Service (SWAT)
Breakfast Tacos and Coffee Service Saturday morning provided by John Powe with East Texas HSI
Breakfast Tacos and Coffee Service Sunday Morning provided by Alberto Castro with Houston Jet Direct
The 36th Annual Aviation Bass tournament will be held March 22-24th 2024. Book your rooms early and mention you’re with the tournament.